
Image a Day began with no particular intention other than experimenting with various mediums and posting them up online – a place to pin each lived day.

After 9 years, I began to feel pressured by this imprisonment of my own making. So from 2023 Image a Day has become more ‘Image Whenever I Fancy.’

Here’s the original text for the site though …

As the years roll by, a discipline of daily practice has become primarily meditative; a place where something beyond ‘the self’ plays out. The simple act of ‘doing’ (what artists call process) seems to have led to a wellspring that certainly for me, appears almost magical. There are outcomes it’s hard to believe my conscious mind could have conceived.

The process of painting and drawing has taken me back to a childhood fascination for natural history. I spent my formative years engrossed in encyclopedias learning about animals, plants, geology, seeds, fruits, biology and the evolution of life on our planet.

Life is constantly and ingeniously evolving. There is precariousness, order, serendipity and mystery. I am interested in celebrating that and in embracing life to the full. There is order and in the order there is chaos. There is chaos and in the chaos there is order. I intend to remain as freewheeling in my practice as I have been over the years. Some days a lighthearted drawing, others a longer meditative painting. A day by the sea interpreted, sadness given a place to sit, abject silliness given a nod (a paradox in itself). Whatever the day reveals through keeping an open mind and free spirit.

I graduated from The University of Central Lancashire with first class honours in Fine Art and am a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Anyone can embark on their own journey without a degree or arts education. The act of doing will always lead you to places you never could have imagined.